Home About INAN About Glial Downloads Documentation FAQ Features Join the Team | INAN Include File HierarchyAs I was reacquainting myself with the Glial codebase, I decided that it would probably be a good thing to provide a rough overview of the include file hierarchy as it evolves. Given the ugliness of maintaining things in one or two huge .inc files, I have tried to split groups of functions out based on their overal job: i.e. glial.inc contains very basic (pseudo-atomic) functions, such as functions for writing HTML tags that are used by other include files and most .php files. layout.inc currently contains only gDrawMainPage(), but will eventually contain the code to draw many different pages; it depends on glial.inc. Things are sort of sketchy at the moment, but I will try and keep this page up to date as I add new things.As you move from left to right in the table, elements in columns depend on one or more elements tin the column immediately to the left. For example, database.inc depends on glial.inc and config.inc.
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